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Jan 11, 2011

Gallup Review: Public Opinion Context of Tucson Shootings

Gun control laws, the current political climate in the country, and reports that the accused shooter was a drug user have all become a part of the discussion as the nation reacts to the deadly shootings in Tucson, Ariz. This article reviews the ...
Dec 31, 2010

Five Big 2010 Health Stories and Gallup's Need-to-Know Analysis of Them

While brought you hundreds of unique health and well-being findings in 2010, we at Thrive want to jump on the end-of-year wrap-up story bandwagon and give you our insights on five of this year's biggest health news stories.
Oct 29, 2010

Weekly Hot List

Fast facts from Gallup related to top stories in the news.
Oct 28, 2010

New High of 46% of Americans Support Legalizing Marijuana

As California voters prepare to decide whether the state will become the first to allow the legal possession and sale of marijuana for personal use, Gallup finds that a new high of 46% of all Americans support legalizing use of the drug.
Oct 29, 2009

Whom Do You Trust?

In a good collaboration, 58% of partners strongly agree that they trust each other. Trust is indeed essential in partnerships, as every partner needs to be able to depend on his counterpart for the collaboration to achieve excellence, say the ...
Oct 19, 2009

U.S. Support for Legalizing Marijuana Reaches New High

More than 4 in 10 Americans -- 44% -- believe the use of marijuana should be legalized, while barely half say it should not be. Support for legalization is up from 36% in 2005 and now far exceeds the 31% found at the start of the decade. ...
Oct 2, 2007

1/3 of Americans Say U.S. Supreme Court Is "Too Conservative"

As the U.S. Supreme Court's new term begins this week, a recent Gallup Poll finds that although the plurality of Americans consider the ideological orientation of the court to be "about right," nearly one-third of Americans -- the highest level ...
Sep 26, 2007

Slim Majority of Americans Approve of the Supreme Court

Public opinion of the job the U.S. Supreme Court is doing is unchanged from earlier this year, and perceptions of the ideological direction of the court are similar to a year ago, with the plurality saying it is "about right." However, over the ...
Aug 18, 2006

Poll: Only About Half of Addicted Family Members Sought Treatment

The recent USA Today/HBO Family Drug Addiction poll finds that only about half of Americans who have had a family member with an addiction say their family member ever sought treatment. However, most who sought treatment got better or completely ...
Nov 1, 2005

Who Supports Marijuana Legalization?

Since the late 1960s, Gallup has periodically asked Americans whether the use of marijuana should be made legal in the United States. Although a majority of Americans have consistently opposed the idea of legalizing marijuana, public support has ...