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Showing 101-110 of 200 results.
Dec 13, 2022

Government Remains Americans' Top Problem in 2022

For the seventh year in the past decade, Americans name dissatisfaction with the government as the top problem in 2022, with economic issues close behind.
Sep 22, 2017

Are Americans Willing to Go to War With North Korea?

Gallup Senior Poll Editor Lydia Saad discusses Gallup's latest data on how Americans would like to see the conflict with North Korea resolved. She also delves into Americans' views on how well President Donald Trump is handling the situation.
Sep 5, 2017

Trump's War on the Media

Gallup Editor-in-Chief Frank Newport reveals why President Donald Trump's fight against "fake news" may resonate with Americans. Also, Larry Emond joins us to discuss the difference between satisfied workers and engaged workers -- and why ...
Jan 19, 2018

Gallup Vault: Atomic Anxiety in 1951

As Hawaii residents recover from a false nuclear attack warning, Gallup revisits Americans' fears of the atomic bomb during the Cold War in 1951.
Jan 8, 2021

Party ID Average for 2020 Winds Up Similar to Prior Years

Although Americans' party preferences varied over the course of 2020, the average for the year was similar to what it was during the previous four years.
Nov 1, 2023

How Strong Are the World's Social Connections?

New Meta and Gallup research finds that most people worldwide feel connected to others, but not always to the same degree.
Dec 5, 2016

Gallup Vault: A Country Unified After Pearl Harbor

Seventy-five years ago, Americans nearly unanimously supported the U.S. government's decision to declare war on Japan for its Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor.
Sep 25, 2020

Economics Alone Don't Tell the Full Story of Poverty

To achieve an absolute victory in the war against poverty, world leaders cannot rely solely on economic indicators; they also need to know what people are thinking.
Dec 1, 2018

George H.W. Bush Retrospective

George H.W. Bush enjoyed high approval ratings his first three years in office, but low ratings in the fourth year led to his re-election defeat.
Jul 12, 2018

Trump's Foreign Policy and American Public Opinion

President Donald Trump's desired changes to U.S. international relationships reflect American public opinion in some ways, but not in others.