Explore Gallup's research.

Americans' views on deporting immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally are complex, reflecting the complexity of the issue itself.

Americans rate the progress the U.S. has made during Biden's presidency as mostly negative across 18 economic, national and international areas.

U.S. voters rate the economy as the most important issue to their presidential vote, with democracy, potential Supreme Court picks and terrorism/national security also ranking highly.

For the first time in nearly two decades, a majority of Americans think immigration to the U.S. should be decreased.

Gallup's Economic Confidence Index registered -34 in May, reflecting further deterioration in how Americans assess the economy's current state as well as its trajectory.

Americans support strict border control and fair pathways for immigrants entering the U.S. illegally. Public opinion favors both deportation and citizenship options.

Immigration remains the most important problem facing the U.S. for the third month running, and it is a uniquely polarizing issue.

Joe Biden's 38.7% average job approval rating during his 13th quarter in office is essentially unchanged from the previous quarter and is the lowest for any president's 13th quarter historically.

Inflation and immigration rank among Americans' top issue concerns for the country when asked about national problems in March.

Sharply more Americans than in January name immigration as the most important problem facing the U.S. The issue ranks first on the list.

Biden's overall job rating has slipped to 38%, and his ratings on immigration, the Israel-Hamas situation, foreign affairs and the economy are even lower.

Biden enters 2024 with a persistently low job approval rating of 39%, the worst of any modern-day president seeking reelection at the same point.

A 39% plurality of Americans say the border situation is a crisis, and 33% consider it to be a major problem. Most Americans have sympathy for migrants.

Americans support immigration, generally. They also view immigrants positively for their cultural contributions but have concerns about their impact on drug and crime issues.

Americans' views of national conditions remain sour, with 18% satisfied with the way things are going and the Economic Confidence Index holding at -43.

Americans' perspectives on what's ailing the country most were largely steady in April, except for sharp increases in those mentioning crime and guns.

President Joe Biden remains underwater in his overall job approval and ratings of his handling of six issues. His handling of the coronavirus response is the only issue on which he earns majority-level approval.

Americans' satisfaction with the level of immigration into the U.S. was already low, but it has now has fallen to the lowest in a decade. More are dissatisfied because they want immigration decreased, but a wide partisan gulf persists.

How many more people from Latin America could be coming to the southern U.S. border? And what message is U.S. leadership sending to them?

Registered voters rate the economy as the most important factor influencing their vote this midterm election cycle, but abortion and crime are close behind.