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Jul 6, 2004

Trials of Teens: Alienation, Risk Behaviors Linked

A recent Gallup study supports the idea that teens who drink or use marijuana are more likely than other teens to exhibit signs of alienation -- they more frequently express negative thoughts about themselves and contemplate their own deaths.
Jul 16, 2002

Who Smoked Pot? You May Be Surprised

In 1999, a third of Americans told Gallup that they had tried marijuana at some point. Whom do the data reveal to be more likely to have imbibed? Republican or Democrat? City slicker or rural resident?
Jul 9, 2002

Decades of Drug Use: The '80s and '90s

By the mid-1980s, the introduction of crack cocaine turned youth drug use into a truly terrifying issue. Crack was cheap, plentiful and hideously addictive. By the last decade of the millennium, it appeared that fewer people were using drugs. ...
Jul 2, 2002

Decades of Drug Use: Data From the '60s and '70s

The war on drugs has been raging for decades. There is no sign of victory, or even detente. Since 1969, the first year Gallup asked about illegal drug use, Americans have grown increasingly more concerned about the effects of drugs on young ...
May 13, 2003

Teens and the Web: Don't Talk to Strangers

Are kids who talk with strangers on the Internet more likely to engage in other risky behaviors? A Gallup Youth Survey sheds some light on this question.
May 15, 2001

Americans Support Legalization of Marijuana for Medicinal Use

By an 8-0 vote on Monday, the Supreme Court struck down state laws legalizing the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Despite supporters' claims that marijuana can help reduce pain associated with diseases such as cancer, glaucoma, and ...
Apr 6, 2004

Youth Survey: Alcohol and Drug Use Among Teens

How big of a problem is alcohol and drug use among American teenagers? And what about the abuse of over-the-counter cold medications -- referred to as “skittling” among teens?
Dec 30, 2011 Year in Review provides a retrospective of 2011, summarizing some of the top findings of the year.
Apr 26, 2005

Teens Look Ahead With Youthful Optimism

The world of "today" for U.S. teens includes an ongoing war against terrorism, a war in Iraq, and a shaky economy, but many teens see a much brighter world of "tomorrow."
Feb 5, 2002

Teens and Substance Abuse: Generation "No"

The occasional exploits of high-profile youngsters' drug or alcohol use usually bring the issue of teen substance abuse back into the spotlight. However, broader trends indicate that teen drinking, smoking and drug use is on the decline -- and ...