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Sep 22, 2008

Americans More Tuned In Than Ever to Political News

A record-high 43% of Americans say they follow news about national politics very closely, up from 30% at this time last year and 36% during the last presidential election. At the same time, Americans are as distrustful as they have ever been of ...
Jun 21, 2007

Americans' Confidence in Congress at All-Time Low

Americans' confidence in Congress is the lowest in Gallup history, and has the lowest confidence rating tested in Gallup's annual measure of confidence in major American institutions. Confidence ratings in other institutions are also generally ...
Jun 24, 2009

Americans’ Confidence in Military Up, Banks Down

At 82%, public confidence in the U.S. military is up 11 points from a year ago, and is the highest since the start of the Iraq war in 2003. Confidence in the presidency is up even more sharply -- reflecting public support for President Obama. ...
Apr 22, 2008

In Top Polluting Nations, Efforts to Live “Green” Vary

Across the five countries that contribute more than half of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions, Gallup Polls reveal that American and Japanese residents express the highest levels of environmental stewardship.
Sep 22, 2009

Many in Asia Wait to Rate New U.S. Administration

Across eight Asian countries Gallup surveyed, approval of U.S. leadership is down slightly in 2009 compared with 2008, in large part attributable to an increase in the percentage who did not have an opinion. In Afghanistan and Pakistan, approval ...
Jun 20, 2008

Confidence in Congress: Lowest Ever for Any U.S. Institution

Just 12% of Americans express confidence in Congress, the lowest Gallup has measured for any institution in the 35-year history of the confidence in institutions question. HMOs (13%) are rated about as poorly as Congress, while Americans have ...
Sep 11, 2008

How to Rejuvenate Your Brand

Changing your brand promise involves a lot more than altering your advertising. That's because whether you're selling casual dining, SUVs, or daily newspapers, the promise isn't the only thing that matters -- the delivery counts too.
Mar 15, 2005

Marketing to China's "Generation Y"

It's hardly surprising to find that Chinese consumers under age 30 are quite different from those over age 60. They've had different experiences and have different dreams and aspirations. Much less expected are the differences that exist within ...
Dec 13, 2005

Made in Taiwan: Positive Global Impressions

"Made in Taiwan" is a label recognized around the world; for decades, Taiwan has been a leading exporter of products from bicycles to consumer electronics. If results from a multinational Gallup study are any indication, then the state's strong ...
Sep 11, 2007

Framing the War on Terror

As the world witnesses the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the U.S.-led "war on terror" begins its seventh year, hard questions must be asked about the core assumptions that are guiding policy in this battle. Are they ...