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Showing 111-120 of 200 results.
May 3, 2011

Nearly Half of Pakistanis Critical of Anti-Terrorism Efforts

Nearly half of Pakistanis (47%) surveyed before Osama bin Laden's death in Pakistan said their government was not doing enough to fight terrorism, while 37% said it was.
Nov 15, 2017

Mentions of Economic Issues as Top Problem Lowest Since 1999

Americans are less likely to mention an economic issue as the most important problem facing the U.S. now than at any point since 1999.
Jan 29, 2013

Americans Most Satisfied With Military, Least With Economy

Americans are generally dissatisfied with many aspects of life in the U.S. today, including in particular the economy and poverty. But they remain highly satisfied with the military and security from terrorism.
Mar 10, 2016

Americans Name Economy, Government as Top Problems

Americans name the economy and dissatisfaction with the government as the most important problems facing the U.S. Meanwhile, 27% are satisfied with the way things are going in the nation.
Sep 2, 2011

Americans' Fear of Terrorism in U.S. Is Near Low Point

As the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, 38% of Americans believe a terrorist attack in the U.S. could be imminent. This is down from the 62% Gallup recorded shortly after al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed in May, and is on the low ...
Nov 2, 2017

Americans' Fear of Walking Alone Ties 52-Year Low

Three in 10 Americans fear walking alone near their home at night, tied for the fewest since 1965. Worries about specific crimes have generally been stable over time.
Sep 10, 2010

Nine Years After 9/11, Few See Terrorism as Top U.S. Problem

Terrorism has faded from Americans' minds as the nation's top problem nine years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. One percent mention terrorism as the most important problem facing the country, down from 46% just after 9/11. Iraq and then the ...
Oct 17, 2011

Nepalese See Pakistan as South Asia's Greatest Security Threat

Nepalese respondents are much more likely to consider Pakistan as posing the greatest threat to South Asian security than Afghanistan or India. Concerns about terrorism overshadow fears about crime, nuclear weapons, and rivalries of India with ...
Jan 29, 2018

U.S. Satisfaction With Military, Security and Economy Rises

Americans are more satisfied with the nation's military, security and economy than they were a year ago, but they are less satisfied with the environment, healthcare and the role of the U.S.
Feb 10, 2017

Americans See U.S. World Standing as Worst in a Decade

Americans' perceptions of how the world views the U.S. have dropped sharply since last year. Far fewer Americans say world leaders respect President Donald Trump than did so when Barack Obama began his first term.