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Showing 111-120 of 128 results.
Dec 2, 2003

Americans Remain Opposed to Legalizing Marijuana

U.S. marijuana laws are currently more stringent than those in many other developed countries. Although U.S. laws are relatively strict, they do reflect most Americans' attitudes.
May 20, 2003

One-Third of Teens Know of Abuse Among Peers

Heinous as the idea may be to most Americans, child abuse remains fairly widespread in the United States. The most recent report on child maltreatment from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reports that approximately 903,000 ...
May 13, 2003

Teens and the Web: Don't Talk to Strangers

Are kids who talk with strangers on the Internet more likely to engage in other risky behaviors? A Gallup Youth Survey sheds some light on this question.
Apr 8, 2003

Path to Marijuana Use Paved With Bad Health Habits

The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign launched a set of television ads this year aimed at debunking teens' perceptions that marijuana is a harmless drug. The timing is good: government data show that marijuana use is on the rise among U.S. ...
Mar 13, 2003

Global Tensions and Your Sales Force

As tensions between the United States and Europe mount -- along with talk of punitive boycotts -- will U.S. companies feel the pinch? Will French and German businesses suffer declining sales in the U.S.? It's possible, and sales managers must ...
Feb 4, 2003

Canadians Relax Views on Marijuana

Canadians today have a more liberal point of view regarding marijuana use than they did in the midst of the swinging '70s.
Nov 26, 2002

Who Will Lead the U.S. Religious Revival?

Three key demographic groups in the United States appear to be poised to revitalize religion during this century: African-Americans, the "Millennials," and the "pre-retirement army." Other highly religious groups could certainly play a role as ...
Nov 5, 2002

Black Teens: Better at Just Saying No?

In a world filled with temptations, high school teens are particularly vulnerable. But black teens may succumb to at least one temptation disproportionately less often than their white or Hispanic counterparts.
Jul 30, 2002

George Gallup Jr. on Teens' Return to Tradition

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Gallup Youth Survey (GYS), Tuesday Briefing staff interviewed George Gallup Jr. about GYS findings over the past 25 years and his opinions on what those findings tell us about today's youth. The fourth ...
Jul 16, 2002

Who Smoked Pot? You May Be Surprised

In 1999, a third of Americans told Gallup that they had tried marijuana at some point. Whom do the data reveal to be more likely to have imbibed? Republican or Democrat? City slicker or rural resident?