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Showing 121-128 of 128 results.
Nov 5, 2002

Black Teens: Better at Just Saying No?

In a world filled with temptations, high school teens are particularly vulnerable. But black teens may succumb to at least one temptation disproportionately less often than their white or Hispanic counterparts.
May 11, 2004

U.S. Schools: Whole Lotta Cheatin' Going On

"The Perfect Score," a film released in January, tells the story of a group of high school students in Princeton, N.J., who conspire to break into the Educational Testing Service headquarters and steal the answers to the SAT. The scenario may ...
Sep 26, 2007

Slim Majority of Americans Approve of the Supreme Court

Public opinion of the job the U.S. Supreme Court is doing is unchanged from earlier this year, and perceptions of the ideological direction of the court are similar to a year ago, with the plurality saying it is "about right." However, over the ...
Apr 30, 2002

Common Sense: Is It Really All That Common Among Young People?

Thousands of onlookers expecting to watch University of Michigan students perform their annual rite of spring -- the Naked Mile run -- were disappointed this year. Only about 20 runners showed up, and most ran in their underwear. Is the current ...
May 20, 2003

One-Third of Teens Know of Abuse Among Peers

Heinous as the idea may be to most Americans, child abuse remains fairly widespread in the United States. The most recent report on child maltreatment from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reports that approximately 903,000 ...
Jun 18, 2002

George Gallup Jr. on Teen Health

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Gallup Youth Survey (GYS), Tuesday Briefing staff interviewed George Gallup Jr. about GYS findings over the past 25 years and his opinions on what those findings tell us about today's youth. This ...
Aug 18, 2006

Poll: Only About Half of Addicted Family Members Sought Treatment

The recent USA Today/HBO Family Drug Addiction poll finds that only about half of Americans who have had a family member with an addiction say their family member ever sought treatment. However, most who sought treatment got better or completely ...
Mar 13, 2003

Global Tensions and Your Sales Force

As tensions between the United States and Europe mount -- along with talk of punitive boycotts -- will U.S. companies feel the pinch? Will French and German businesses suffer declining sales in the U.S.? It's possible, and sales managers must ...