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Showing 151-160 of 200 results.
Oct 27, 2017

Deconstructing Americans' View of Government as Top Problem

Americans name government as the nation's top problem, but this is not unprecedented. Americans' focus is on government process and personalities.
Jun 29, 2011

In U.S., Fears of Terrorism After Afghanistan Pullout Subside

Fifty-five percent of Americans are not worried that the United States' planned withdrawal from Afghanistan will make the U.S. more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Americans are less concerned now than when President Obama announced the surge ...
Jul 2, 2009

Americans’ Worry About Terrorism Nears 5-Year Low

Americans’ level of worry about terrorism is near a five-year low -- with 36% saying they are very or somewhat worried that they or a family member will become a victim. However, 83% think the security measures put in place after 9/11 are still ...
Sep 19, 2011

3 Years, 10 Years, 100 Years

We've marked two anniversaries this month of events that changed the world. One, of course, is the 10 year anniversary of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The second is the three year anniversary of the sudden jolts that sent the global economy ...
Sep 11, 2009

Americans Still Prefer Republicans for Combating Terrorism

Eight years after the 9/11 attacks, Americans by a slight margin choose the Republican over the Democratic Party -- 49% vs. 42% -- as the party that will better protect the United States from terrorism and other threats. Democrats lead, 50% vs. ...
Jul 23, 2009

Before Attacks, Indonesians Commended Anti-Terror Efforts

Indonesians surveyed only a few months before the bombings in Jakarta last week gave their government high marks on combating terrorism. More than two-thirds of Indonesians (68%) said their government was doing enough, which is up markedly from ...
Aug 15, 2016

Americans' Approval of Obama on Foreign Affairs Rises

Nearly half of Americans (48%) approve of President Barack Obama's handling of foreign affairs in August -- up markedly from 39% in February. This rating is Obama's highest since November 2012, just days before he was re-elected.
Apr 1, 2019

Healthcare Once Again Tops List of Americans' Worries

Fifty-five percent of Americans now say they worry about healthcare a great deal, topping Gallup's list of potential worries for the fifth year in a row and for the 11th year since 2001.
Feb 16, 2010

In U.S., 6 in 10 View Iran as Critical Threat to U.S. Interests

As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presses the case for more sanctions on Iran, 61% of Americans say the military power of Iran is a critical threat to U.S. vital interests. Of seven international issues, Americans rank Iran behind only ...
Jul 12, 2018

Trump's Foreign Policy and American Public Opinion

President Donald Trump's desired changes to U.S. international relationships reflect American public opinion in some ways, but not in others.