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Showing 151-160 of 200 results.
Aug 6, 2002

The Haves and Have Nots of Healthcare

The healthcare issue is as controversial in Canada and Great Britain as it is in the United States, if not more so. In the same way that U.S. experts may look to Canada and Great Britain for healthcare solutions, British and Canadian experts ...
Dec 8, 2000

Number of Americans Who Feel News Coverage Is Inaccurate Increases Sharply

Americans are more likely now than at any point in the previous 15 years to say that news organizations' stories and reports are inaccurate. Additionally, about half of Americans perceive that there is a bias towards one political party or the ...
Sep 28, 2004

Young Voter Intentions

Compared with the past two presidential elections, younger Americans show higher levels of interest in this year's election, higher levels of self-reported voter registration, and higher levels of intention to actually vote. Which candidate has ...
Jun 28, 2002

Americans' Confidence in Military, Presidency Up; Big Business, Organized Religion Drop

Americans' confidence in the military and the presidency has increased significantly compared to last year, while their confidence in organized religion and big business has dropped. By a substantial margin, the military has the highest level of ...
Mar 22, 2005

Terri Schiavo, Scott Peterson, Baseball and Steroids, ANWR, Social Security, Iraq, Easter

Jun 1, 2004

Military Still Americans' Top-Rated Institution

Gallup’s annual reading of public confidence in major U.S. institutions finds that despite a seven-point decline in ratings of the military over the past year, it is still the top-rated institution on the list of 15 included in this year’s poll. ...
Apr 30, 2002

George Gallup Jr.: Teens and the Media

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Gallup Youth Survey (GYS), Tuesday Briefing staff interviewed George Gallup Jr. about GYS findings over the past 25 years and his opinions on what those findings tell us about today's youth. The first ...
Sep 27, 2002

Americans Get Plenty of Health News on TV, but Tend Not to Trust It

Americans get more health and medical news from television than from any other media source, but rate health news on television very low in terms of trust and credibility. Americans get relatively little health news from the Internet, although ...
Dec 14, 2004

Questions and Answers With the Editor in Chief

Sep 23, 2004

Media Credibility Reaches Lowest Point in Three Decades

As media analysts and journalists wring their hands over the fallout from CBS News’ faulty reporting on documents purported to be from President George W. Bush’s Vietnam-era National Guard service, a new Gallup Poll finds the news media’s ...