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Showing 161-170 of 200 results.
May 6, 2024

Integrating Strengths Into the Architecture at The Lawrence Group

Learn how a multifaceted organization has strategically embedded strengths into its corporate culture.
Nov 3, 2022

Global Study Reveals Most Workers Enjoy What They Do

More than eight in 10 workers worldwide report enjoying the work they do every day, according to a new Gallup and Wellbeing for Planet Earth Foundation global study on wellbeing.
Jun 8, 2023

How to Manage a Permanently Changed Workplace

Dr. Jim Harter joins the podcast to discuss the new book, Culture Shock. How organizations adapt to the post-pandemic culture shock will determine whether they thrive or even survive.
Jun 1, 2023

Keeping the Movement Alive: Banking on Strengths at CrossFirst

Learn how CrossFirst Bank is building a strengths-based culture and the accompanying benefits to the organization, clients and the community.
Sep 13, 2022

Is Your Industry Delivering on Employee Recognition?

Recognition is an essential component of great organizational culture. See how employee recognition -- or lack thereof -- is affecting key industries.
Jun 18, 2024

2 in 3 U.S. Adults Say Companies Do a Poor Job on CEO-Employee Pay Gap

Over half of U.S. adults say it is extremely important for businesses to avoid major pay gaps between CEOs and average employees.
Jul 1, 2022

Go Beyond Empathy Training -- Actually Care

Empathy training should focus on individualizing, seeing and listening. That demonstrates care, and care gets business results.
Aug 29, 2022

How to Bridge the Generational Gap in Recognition

Millennial and Gen Z workers say they want more frequent recognition than their elder coworkers. See how to provide what all employees need to thrive.

Indicator: ESG

Gallup measures employees' perspectives on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
Feb 4, 2022

The Employee Journey: A Hands-On Guide

The employee experience is a journey — and every interaction counts. See what that means inside your organization and beyond.