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Showing 171-180 of 200 results.
Jul 9, 2024

Women's Engagement Advantage Disappears in Leadership Roles

Women are more engaged at work than men at all levels -- except at the senior leadership level when the gap closes. What's causing the engagement gap to close at the top?
Sep 6, 2023

The Manager Squeeze: How the New Workplace Is Testing Team Leaders

The workplace has entered a new era, and it's not kind to managers.
Nov 1, 2023

6 Worrying Workplace Numbers — And What You Can Do About Them

The six most concerning workplace insights Gallup has discovered in the past year -- and how to turn them around.
Nov 18, 2022

Quiet Firing: What It Is and How to Stop Doing It

Have you heard of quiet firing? The dangerous workplace practice where managers slowly push an employee out the door. Learn more about how to avoid it.
Jul 22, 2021

The 'Great Resignation' Is Really the 'Great Discontent'

Employees are quitting in droves. Learn what's fueling the mass job change.
Jun 15, 2021

How European Companies Can Fix Their Workplaces

European workers still need a better employee experience. Here's what organisations can do to improve it.
Sep 29, 2023

Does Your Hybrid Culture Really Work for Everyone?

Hybrid work allows people to better juggle work and home life, and it's here to stay. But with its benefits can come unseen consequences, and organizations must be thoughtful.
Oct 5, 2023

What Is Your Leadership Style?

The best leaders use their strengths to accomplish their goals. Discover how to become the leader only you can be.
May 8, 2023

CliftonStrengths: From 1 to 30 Million

Over 30 million people have taken the CliftonStrengths assessment. We're celebrating by looking to the past and the future of CliftonStrengths.
Jun 15, 2021

7 Things We Learned About U.S. and Canadian Employees in 2020

A snapshot of global workplace trends: Here's what we know about employee stress, engagement and wellbeing in U.S. and Canada.