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Showing 11-20 of 128 results.
Nov 4, 2021

Support for Legal Marijuana Holds at Record High of 68%

More than two in three Americans (68%) support legalizing marijuana, matching the record high reached a year ago.
Aug 22, 2023

Young Adults in U.S. Drinking Less Than in Prior Decades

Adults aged 18 to 34 are less likely to say they drink alcohol than were young adults in prior decades, while drinking is up among those 55 and older.
Aug 17, 2023

More Americans View Moderate Drinking as Unhealthy

The 39% of Americans who think drinking in moderation is unhealthy is an 11-percentage-point increase since 2018 and is largely due to a shift in young adults' views.
Nov 9, 2020

Support for Legal Marijuana Inches Up to New High of 68%

A record-high 68% of Americans support legalizing marijuana, including majorities of most demographic groups.
Jun 12, 2019

In U.S., Medical Aid Top Reason Why Legal Marijuana Favored

Americans who favor legalizing marijuana are most likely to cite its medicinal benefits as an important reason for their support, while driver safety is the most important reason opponents are against it.
Oct 23, 2019

U.S. Support for Legal Marijuana Steady in Past Year

After a surge in Americans' support for legal marijuana since the mid-2000s, the percentage in favor of it has been steady at 66% over the past year.
Oct 22, 2018

Two in Three Americans Now Support Legalizing Marijuana

Americans' support for legalizing marijuana continues to set new records, with 66% of U.S. adults now in favor of making the drug legal.
Jul 25, 2019

Marijuana Use Similar to New Lower Rate of Cigarette Smoking

Marijuana use among Americans (12%) is now nearly as prevalent as cigarette smoking, which has hit a 75-year low of 15%.
Jul 25, 2018

Americans Say Marijuana, Vaping Less Harmful Than Tobacco

When asked about six tobacco or smoking products, Americans say they use cigarettes most regularly and also consider them most harmful to users. Marijuana, the second most regularly used substance, is viewed as the least harmful.
Jan 4, 2018

In the News: Marijuana Legalization

As the Trump administration moves to crack down on legal marijuana use, Americans' support for legalization is at a record high.
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