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Showing 71-80 of 200 results.
Jun 30, 2022

Why Is the World in a Terrible Emotional State?

Julie Ray and Carol Graham join the podcast to discuss Gallup's annual Global Emotions report.
Mar 22, 2021

Cyberterrorism Tops List of 11 Potential Threats to U.S.

Americans consider cyberterrorism and the development of nuclear weapons by North Korea and Iran to be the most critical of 11 potential threats to the U.S.
Oct 15, 2020

Increase Productivity at the Lowest Possible Cost

Cut costs without hamstringing productivity using Gallup's cost optimization approach.
Oct 11, 2019

Americans Equally Worried About Mass Shooting and Terrorism

Americans are about equally worried that they or a member of their family will become a victim of terrorism (46%) or a mass shooting (45%).
Feb 5, 2021

Satisfaction With Five Key Societal Issues in U.S. Plummets

Americans' satisfaction with each of 21 key national policy issues has declined or held steady compared with readings one year ago.
Oct 9, 2020

Americans and the Role of Government

The government is seen as the top problem facing the nation, but views on what should be done to fix it resist simple categorization.
Nov 23, 2010

Most U.S. Air Travelers OK Sacrificing Privacy for Security

The majority of frequent U.S. air travelers are not bothered by the prospect of undergoing a full-body scan at airport checkpoints -- but are bothered, if not angry, about the prospect of a full-body pat-down. Still, 7 in 10 say any potential ...
Sep 1, 2020

Do You Know Your Organization's Ethics Reporting Ratio?

With a culture based on strong ethics, integrity, and compliance, you can help prevent ethical or legal risks to your organization.
Nov 20, 2020

A Letter to Elected Representatives, From the Average American

What average Americans would say in a letter to their elected representatives.

How to Prevent Employee Burnout

Learn how to spot employee burnout signs and symptoms. Help your teams manage stress and anxiety while producing great work.