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Showing 91-100 of 200 results.
Jul 23, 2021

Measuring Presidential Job Approval for 75 Years

Presidential job approval, a measure pioneered by Dr. George Gallup in the 1930s, has become the most frequently asked question in polling history.
Mar 8, 2023

Eastern Europe: Internet Offers Lifeline to Women in Ukraine

Gallup World Poll Regional Director Galina Zapryanova discusses the challenges for women in the former Soviet states and Eastern Europe on International Women's Day 2023.
Jun 15, 2021

Post-Pandemic Success: Are Australia and New Zealand Ready?

Organisations in Australia and New Zealand are closer to economic recovery than most. Here's how they can capitalise on their position.
Feb 28, 2023

Biden Job Approval at 42%; Below 40% on Four Issues

President Joe Biden remains underwater in his overall job approval and ratings of his handling of six issues. His handling of the coronavirus response is the only issue on which he earns majority-level approval.
Aug 17, 2017

Gallup Vault: Americans Not Keen on A-Bomb During Korean War

Despite facing stiffer resistance from North Korea than expected at the start of the Korean War, Americans rejected using the atom bomb in August 1950.
Jun 29, 2021

Gallup Vault: Expanding Voting Rights to Young Adults

A majority of Americans favored lowering the voting age to 18 long before the 26th Amendment, which did this, was ratified in 1971.
Apr 29, 2021

A Look Back at Reaction to Bin Laden's Death

Gallup takes a look back at how Osama bin Laden's death affected attitudes about U.S. leadership and terrorism.
Apr 23, 2021

U.S. Defense Budget, Afghanistan Withdrawal Not Hot-Button Issues

Americans are unlikely to have strong reactions to Joe Biden's defense budget and his decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.
Dec 26, 2019

Who Had the Lowest Gallup Presidential Job Approval Rating?

A slow economy, unpopular military engagement, labor strife and a corruption scandal combined to give this president the all-time lowest job approval rating.
Nov 2, 2017

Former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel on Decisions to Go to War

In today's podcast, former Secretary of Defense and U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel offers unique insights into how military leaders and elected officials use public opinion in their decision-making.