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Oct 1, 2009

Many Americans Remain Distrusting of News Media

Less than half of Americans (45%) say they have a great deal or fair amount of confidence in the media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly -- on par with last year’s record-low 43%. As in previous years, most perceive bias: 45% say ...
Sep 2, 2010

End of the Season Wrap-Up

Well, so much for the lazy days of summer.
Jul 23, 2010

Americans' Confidence in Banks Not Improving

Americans' confidence in U.S. banks remains near its all-time low at 23% -- essentially unchanged from 22% last year, and far below the 41% pre-recession level of June 2007.
Sep 18, 2008

Gallup Daily: Obama 48%, McCain 44%

The Sept. 15-17 Gallup Poll Daily tracking update shows Barack Obama with a 48% to 44% lead over John McCain among registered voters, marking the first time that Obama has held a statistically significant lead in two weeks.
Jun 23, 2008

Radio the Chief Medium for News in Sub-Saharan Africa

A median of nearly 6 in 10 sub-Saharan Africans say radio is the most important media they rely on to stay well-informed about events in their country.
Jul 26, 2012

Your Employees Don't "Get" Your Brand

Aligning your employees with your brand's identity is essential to your company's success. The problem is, too many employees don't know what your company stands for in the first place.
Feb 27, 2008

Worldwide, Residents of Richer Nations More Satisfied

Does money buy contentment? Gallup World Poll data suggest that life satisfaction increases with per-capita income levels, across poor and rich countries alike.
Feb 25, 2008

Climate Change Concerns in Flooded Bolivia

Bolivia's leaders blame severe flooding in their country on climate change and want the countries they perceive as most responsible to pay for the damages and send aid. More than 90% of Bolivians who have heard of global warming believe it is a ...
Jan 7, 2011

Thank You for a Great 2010

Thank you to the more than 1.4 million readers, on average, who visited our site each month in 2010. You helped us to achieve 24% growth from 2009 at a time when many news sites are seeing traffic decline.
Feb 14, 2006

Public Critical of European Newspapers Showing Mohammed Cartoon

A solid majority of Americans believe the European newspapers that printed the cartoon of Mohammed acted "irresponsibly," according to the latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll. But an equally large majority also believes that the controversy is less ...