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Dec 18, 2017

Americans View Government as Nation's Top Problem in 2017

Americans named dissatisfaction with government as the most important problem facing the nation in 2017, the third time in the past four years that government has topped the list.
Mar 12, 2015

Americans Name Government as No. 1 U.S. Problem

As it has for the past four months, the government continues to be the most important U.S. problem, mentioned by 18% of Americans. But it has widened its lead over top issues such as the economy (11%) and unemployment (10%).
Sep 30, 2019

Democrats Maintain Favorability Edge Over Republicans

Although Americans still view the Democratic Party more favorably than the Republican Party, the GOP maintains its edge in protecting the U.S. from external threats and keeping the country prosperous.
Feb 20, 2013

Americans Say Preventing Terrorism Top Foreign Policy Goal

Eighty-eight percent of Americans say preventing future acts of terrorism should be a very important U.S. foreign policy goal, followed by preventing the spread of nuclear weapons (83%) and securing adequate energy supplies (82%).
Dec 11, 2015

Perceptions of Muslims in the United States: a Review

Muslim Americans are the youngest and most diverse religious group in the U.S. and, despite the widespread recognition of prejudice against U.S. Muslims, most Americans say they would vote for a Muslim presidential candidate.
Jan 19, 2015

U.S. Mood on Economy Up, Race Relations Sharply Down

Americans' satisfaction with the nation's economy is up since last January, while they are less content with the nation's security from terrorism and with race relations.
Oct 30, 2020

The Next President's Big Challenge: The Role of Government

Decisions on the appropriate role of government in Americans' lives will remain a top challenge for the next president.
Sep 26, 2018

Americans Give GOP Slim Edge to Ensure Security, Prosperity

Slightly more Americans say the Republican Party is better than the Democratic Party at keeping the country both secure and prosperous.
Sep 9, 2011

Ten Years in, Many Doubt U.S. Is Winning War on Terrorism

Americans are roughly split, 46% to 42%, between the view that the U.S. is winning the war on terrorism and the view that neither the U.S. nor the terrorists are winning. Views today are nearly identical to views held in October 2001, despite a ...
Sep 13, 2012

Democrats Pull Even With Republicans as Better on Terrorism

The Democratic Party now ties the Republican Party in Americans' perceptions of which would better safeguard the U.S. against terrorism, erasing a GOP advantage. Americans also see Democrats as better at keeping the country prosperous.