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Dec 9, 2015

After Terror Attacks, U.S. Satisfaction Falls to 13-Month Low

After the recent terrorist attacks, Americans' satisfaction with the way things are going in the U.S. dropped seven percentage points to 20%, the lowest reading in more than a year.
Nov 23, 2015

Americans Again Opposed to Taking In Refugees

Americans largely oppose the U.S. accepting a large number of Syrian refugees, with 60% disapproving and 37% approving. This is largely consistent with public reaction to past emergency refugee resettlement proposals.
Jan 14, 2019

Seven in 10 Maintain Negative View of U.S. Healthcare System

Seventy percent of Americans describe the current U.S. healthcare system as being "in a state of crisis" or having "major problems." Negative ratings of the system are even higher among Democrats (84%).
Oct 29, 2015

Americans' Fears About Robbery and Theft Down in 2015

Americans are less worried about their cars and homes being broken into than at any point over the last 15 years. Their worries about getting mugged and having their house burglarized while they are home are at lows of 10 years or more.
May 18, 2011

Pakistanis Criticize U.S. Action That Killed Osama Bin Laden

Nearly two-thirds of Pakistanis condemn the U.S. military operation inside their country that resulted in Osama bin Laden's death. About half of all Pakistanis (46%) said his death makes their country less safe from terrorism.
Dec 11, 2019

The Presidential Campaign, Policy Issues and the Public

Americans agree that their government should take immediate action in a number of specific problem areas.
Dec 19, 2016

Economy Top Problem in a Crowded Field

The economy averaged more mentions than any other issue this year as the top U.S. problem, and race relations earned its highest mentions in decades. But no issue cracked 20%.
Jan 16, 2014

Americans Rate Economy as Top Priority for Government

More Americans say the economy should be a high priority for the president and Congress than say this about any other issue. At least 70% of Americans also deem education, healthcare policy, Social Security, and terrorism important.
Jun 26, 2017

Americans Say Both Parties Have Core Issue Strengths

Americans say Democrats do a better job of handling social policy issues, including the environment and healthcare, but give Republicans higher marks on national security and federal debt.
Jan 13, 2010

U.S. Fear of Terrorism Steady After Foiled Christmas Attack

Gallup polls bracketing the 2009 Christmas Day terror incident on a Northwest Airlines flight show little change in U.S. public concern about being victimized by terrorism. Currently, 42% of Americans say they are worried about being a victim, ...