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Showing 121-130 of 200 results.
Apr 19, 2024

Guayas, Ecuador: The Least Safe Place on the Planet?

Ahead of Ecuador's security referendum on Sunday, Gallup data show no other region in the world, apart from active war zones, feels less secure than Guayas.
Mar 2, 2017

1 in 3 Americans Say U.S. Spends Too Little on Defense

Although President Trump has called for an increase in military spending, most Americans say the U.S. spends either the right amount or too much on defense.
Mar 22, 2024

Biden's Job Rating Steady at 40%; Middle East Approval at 27%

Biden's job approval rating is 40%, while ratings of his handling of the economy, foreign affairs and the Middle East situation are below his overall approval.
Feb 29, 2024

Americans Remain Committed to NATO, Critical of UN

A plurality of Americans continue to think the United States' commitment to NATO should be kept as it is now, and a majority still say the U.N. is doing a poor job.
Feb 24, 2020

Gallup World Affairs Series: China, Russia, Trade and More

Gallup will release the findings of its annual World Affairs survey in the coming weeks.
Feb 23, 2024

Biden's Job Approval Edges Down to 38%

Biden's overall job rating has slipped to 38%, and his ratings on immigration, the Israel-Hamas situation, foreign affairs and the economy are even lower.
May 20, 2019

Life in Libya Getting Worse Before Recent Fighting

Before the latest fighting, Libyans' lives were already getting worse, with record-low numbers thriving and record-high numbers reporting that they lacked money for food or shelter over the past year.
Aug 19, 2019

Inside Afghanistan: Law and Order Becomes a Casualty of War

Amid talk of peace, Gallup data offer insights into what has happened to Afghans' sense of safety and security during its past violent decade.
Jun 24, 2016

Gallup Vault: War Stirred Support for Roosevelt's Third Term

Americans' support for the idea of giving President Franklin Roosevelt a third term evolved between 1939 and 1940 as conflict in Europe mounted, leading to World War II.
Dec 2, 2021

Leaving Lebanon: Crisis Has Most People Looking for Exit

Lebanon continues to spiral out of control. Record numbers are unable to afford the basics, and a skyrocketing percentage want to leave.