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Showing 131-140 of 200 results.
Feb 7, 2022

Low Satisfaction With U.S. Gov't Regulation of Businesses

Americans' satisfaction with government regulation of businesses and industries has fallen to a new low of 28%. At the same time, satisfaction with the size and influence of major corporations ties last year's all-time low of 26%.
Nov 17, 2021

Stricter Gun Laws Less Popular in U.S.

Americans' 52% support for stricter gun laws is the lowest since 2014, and the 19% who favor a ban on possession of handguns is the lowest on record.
Mar 8, 2021

Latin America: Ready for Women to Lead

Women and men in Latin America are ready for women to lead -- in politics, in the workplace and in the classroom.
Oct 1, 2021

Returning to Work Amid Delta: What Employers Should Know

Lydia Saad and Ben Wigert join the podcast to break down the latest in Gallup's research on remote work and the return to the office.
Jul 24, 2020

K-12 Teachers Worried About COVID-19 on the Job

U.S. teachers are highly and increasingly concerned about exposure to COVID-19 on the job -- far more than workers in other professions.
Mar 31, 2022

The Four Essential Dynamics of Hybrid Work

Gallup research shows how the four dynamics of hybrid teams should change the way we lead. Consider these when designing your hybrid workplace.
Jul 29, 2021

U.S. Employee Engagement Data Hold Steady in First Half of 2021

Employee engagement returns to a pre-2020 trend, which means the U.S. and the world still have much room for improvement.
Aug 3, 2016

Beer Reigns as Americans' Preferred Alcoholic Beverage

Americans who drink alcohol continue to prefer beer to wine or liquor, though women most prefer wine. One in four U.S. drinkers say they occasionally drink more than they should, with men being more likely than women to say so.
Oct 11, 2021

Overwhelmed by Employee Turnover? Have Stay Conversations

Make these efficient and effective conversations part of your employee retention strategy.
Dec 18, 2020

Reduced Majority in U.S. Critical of Healthcare System

Although 61% of Americans believe the U.S. healthcare system has major problems or is in a state of crisis, the percentage holding that view is the lowest it's been since 2001.