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Gallup Reporter Resources: Crime

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Apr 2, 2014

Most Afghans Lack Confidence in Elections

As Afghans prepare to choose their next president this weekend, their confidence in the country's electoral process is noticeably lower than it was in 2009. Fewer than one in five Afghans are confident in the honesty of elections.
Jun 8, 2011

Obama Approval Up on International Issues, Not on Economy

Majorities of Americans approve of the way President Obama is handling terrorism (63%), Afghanistan (53%), and foreign affairs (51%), all of which show improvement after Osama bin Laden's death. However, majorities disapprove of Obama on the ...
Jan 13, 2010

Obama Approval on Terrorism Up to 49%

Americans now tilt more toward approving (49%) than disapproving (46%) of the way Barack Obama is handling terrorism, a slight improvement from before the Christmas Day bombing attempt. Obama's approval ratings on the economy (40%) and ...
Jan 2, 2015

Cluster of Concerns Vie for Top U.S. Problem in 2014

In 2014, four issues were mentioned by at least 10% of Americans as the top problem facing the country: government (18%), the economy (17%), unemployment or jobs (15%) and healthcare (10%).
May 30, 2012

As Summer Begins, No Clear Leader -- Just Like 2004

Susan Page and I spent some time on our weekly Election Matters show going through the past five presidential elections in which an incumbent was trying to get re-elected, and comparing them to where this 2012 race stands today.
Nov 14, 2016

Expectations of Trump High on Economy, Low on Race Relations

Following the election, Americans express optimism about the economy but have serious doubts about President-elect Donald Trump's ability to improve race relations and keep the country out of war.
Jun 4, 2010

Federal Debt, Terrorism Considered Top Threats to U.S.

Terrorism and federal government debt tie as the issues Americans say are most threatening to the future well-being of the U.S., of 10 issues tested. Americans are more likely to choose the Republican Party than the Democrats as better able to ...
Dec 2, 2009

Majority of Americans Think Near-Term Terrorism Unlikely

By 57% to 39%, more Americans think a terrorist attack on the United States is unlikely to happen in the next few weeks than say an attack is likely. This is among the most optimistic public assessments of the likelihood of terrorism Gallup has ...
Sep 23, 2015

Republicans Favored on Issues Despite Worse Image

Americans rate the Democratic Party more favorably than the Republican Party, but say the GOP is better at dealing with national security and the economy.