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Showing 181-190 of 200 results.
Jun 1, 2016

Gallup Vault: Foreshadowing the Postwar Housing Boom

An August 1945 Gallup poll foreshadowed the housing boom and related economic expansion after World War II by finding that nearly one in four Americans, and even higher proportions of young adults, were planning to build their own home.
Aug 9, 2022

Kenyans Skeptical About Honesty of Elections

Ahead of what's expected to be a close presidential race in Kenya, Gallup surveys show Kenyans lack faith in the honesty of their elections and are struggling to afford the basics.
Feb 19, 2014

More Americans Now View Afghanistan War as a Mistake

Americans are divided on whether the U.S. made a mistake in sending troops to Afghanistan in 2001, marking the first time that public opinion about the Afghanistan war has not been more positive than negative.
Sep 5, 2023

Indians See Brighter Economic Future but Feel the Pinch Now

Gallup data show Indians are optimistic about their economic prospects, but the situation remains bleak for hundreds of millions.
Jul 26, 2022

Port Explosion Investigation Saps Lebanese Trust in Courts

Two years after the Beirut port explosion, the Lebanese justice system's inability to hold officials accountable has sapped confidence in the country's courts.
Jul 21, 2022

Before Record Heat, EU and UK Tepid on Environment Efforts

Record temperatures and wildfires have plagued the EU and U.K. this summer. In 2021, a median 48% of individuals across the region were dissatisfied with efforts to preserve the environment in their country.
Aug 9, 2023

15 Newsmakers: Prince William Most Popular, Putin Least

The majority of Americans view Prince William of the United Kingdom and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy favorably, besting every U.S. political leader rated in the new poll.
Mar 1, 2016

UN Job Rating Among Americans Higher, but Still Low

The highest percentage of Americans since 2003 (38%) say the United Nations is doing a good job of trying to solve the problems it faces. Republicans are less likely -- but independents are more likely -- to think this now than in 2015.
Jul 27, 2023

Half of Your Employees Are Looking to Leave

The war for talent continues, with 51% of employees watching for or seeking a new job. Retain, inspire and recruit star talent with these steps.
Apr 21, 2020

COVID-19 Quickly Becomes Most Important U.S. Problem

COVID-19 has quickly surged to the top of the list of the most important problems facing the U.S. with 45% citing it.