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Showing 181-190 of 200 results.
May 1, 2002

Americans Decidedly Negative Toward Arthur Andersen, Enron

A recent Gallup poll shows the public has very negative views of the Enron Corporation and Arthur Andersen, though many Americans are not familiar with the accounting firm. Americans are far more positive toward the Microsoft Corporation, and ...
Oct 20, 2003

Public: Drugs a Serious Problem in the United States

A large majority of Americans describe the nation's drug problem as extremely or very serious, but the percentage has dropped substantially over the past three years. Only about 3 in 10 say drugs are an extremely or very serious problem in their ...
Sep 11, 2003

Country's Wounds Still Open After 9/11

America has not fully recovered from the horror of terrorism almost all Americans experienced, at least through television, on Sept. 11, 2001. Barely one in five Americans believe that time has healed the country's wounds. While a majority says ...
Jun 25, 2001

Military Retains Top Position in Americans' Confidence Ratings

The military again takes top honors in Gallup's annual confidence in institutions survey, conducted June 8-10. Following the military are organized religion and the police. At the bottom of the list of 16 institutions tested this year are ...
Nov 10, 2004

Government Trust Little Changed From Last Year

The annual Gallup survey on trust in government, conducted Sept. 13-15, finds little change from last year in the degree of trust expressed by the American people. Majorities of Americans express high trust in the three branches of government ...
Apr 21, 2003

No Environmental Backlash Against Bush Administration

Although Americans do not rate President Bush highly on environmental protection, and continue to support various environmentally friendly policies, there is little evidence of unhappiness with the Bush administration's environmental initiatives ...
Jul 31, 2001

Public Favors Bush's Faith-Based Charities Initiative

Americans generally favor government funding for the social services of religious organizations, the "faith-based initiative" that George W. Bush is making a key part of his domestic policy agenda. Support varies depending on the specific ...
Nov 30, 2000

Two-Thirds of Internet Users Have Monitored the Florida Controversy Online

The events surrounding the vote count in the state of Florida easily ranks among one of the most covered and most followed news stories of the past decade. A recent on-line survey of a random sample of Internet users across the country indicates ...
Sep 24, 2001

Personal Impact on Americans' Lives

Since the morning of Tuesday, September 11, Americans have been consumed in many ways by the events of that day. Ongoing polling by CNN/USA Today/Gallup reveals how Americans have been coping ever since, and how the attacks are likely to affect ...
Sep 10, 2001

Impact of Ford-Firestone Controversy in the Court of Public Opinion

The next chapter in the Ford-Firestone controversy begins today as a Texas trial gets underway based on allegations that a woman's death was caused by faulty design of her Firestone-equipped Ford Explorer. The controversy has been of significant ...