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Dec 1, 2000

Americans Divided Over Whether There Is Too Much Media Coverage of Election

The "saturation coverage" of the Florida election recount and its numerous court battles has taken on a life of its own, with major newspapers devoting special sections to the controversy and networks offering round-the-clock coverage ...
Jul 25, 2001

Examining Presidential Job Approval

The Gallup Organization has been tracking presidential job approval for more than 60 years. We ask a straightforward question -- " Do you approve or disapprove of the way [president’s name] is handling his job as president?" We have probably ...
Mar 13, 2000

Despite Skepticism About Privacy, Most Americans Ready to Participate in Census

The majority of Americans are skeptical that the information they provide in the forthcoming U.S. Census will be kept confidential, but almost all Americans nevertheless say they plan to participate and fill out their Census forms, and the vast ...
Sep 20, 2002

Americans Trust Each Other to Make Sound Judgments in Public Affairs

A recent Gallup Poll asked Americans to evaluate how much trust they have in the way various institutions and participants in public affairs perform their roles. While the three branches of government -- executive, legislative and judicial -- ...
Dec 31, 1999

Mother Teresa Voted by American People as Most Admired Person of the Century

Mother Teresa, the Roman Catholic nun who devoted her life to ministering to the poor and sick in India, is the Most Admired Person of the Century, according to new CNN/USA Today Gallup polls of the American people conducted this fall. Mother ...
Jul 10, 2000

Military Number One in Public Confidence, HMOs Last

The Gallup Poll's annual rating of Americans' confidence in the country's major institutions shows that the public has more confidence in the military than in any other institution tested, followed by organized religion, and then the police and ...
Dec 1, 2000

Public Opinion of the Supreme Court

Lawyers for Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush and Democratic candidate Al Gore argued before the U.S. Supreme Court Friday as the nation's highest court tackled one of its most important and high-profile cases in years.
Jan 24, 2002

Enron Crisis Unlikely to Cause Major Changes in Public Opinion

The Enron scandal is unlikely to affect Americans' relatively low opinion about business and its relationship to politics, nor is the situation likely to spur new calls for campaign finance reform from the public. Because Americans already ...
Aug 15, 1997

Small Business And Military Generate Most Confidence In Americans

Americans have more confidence in small business and the military than in any of 13 other institutions evaluated in a recent Gallup poll. The military's confidence rating, however, has dropped since last year, perhaps reflecting the high levels ...
Sep 25, 2000

Environment Not Highest-Priority Issue This Election Year

The environment has only mid-range importance to Americans this year as an issue in the presidential campaign, and only a bare majority of Americans consider the environment to be a serious problem facing the country.