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Showing 41-50 of 200 results.
Jun 21, 2023

Why the World Can't Quit Quiet Quitting

Quiet quitting costs the world's economy almost $9 trillion per year -- and this trend isn't going anywhere until organizations hire better managers.
Mar 6, 2019

Want to Change Your Culture? Listen to Your Best People

Learn why listening to your star employees -- and acting on their feedback -- is the best way to go about culture change.
Jun 12, 2024

Engage Your Workforce by Empowering Your Managers First

Managing people is harder than ever -- but it's also more important than ever. See why creating a thriving workplace hinges on manager engagement.
Jun 6, 2019

Treat Your People Like Assets, Not Expenses -- Invest in Them

Learn how top companies use employee development and engagement as a strategy to achieve measurable business outcomes.
Aug 3, 2023

What Do Gallup's Indicators on Religion and Faith Tell Us?

Dr. Frank Newport rejoins the podcast to opine on Gallup's decadeslong trends on faith and religion in the U.S.
Jun 12, 2024

1 in 5 Employees Worldwide Feel Lonely

20% of employees feel lonely, with younger and fully remote workers feeling it most. Work itself can decrease loneliness -- read more to see how.
May 15, 2020

What Wellbeing Means in the Coronavirus Era

When leaders partner with employees to improve wellbeing, they achieve better outcomes for individuals and sustain business performance.
Mar 15, 2017

America's Coming Workplace: Home Alone

The trend of employees working remotely continues to grow and is on the upswing across many industries.

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Gallup Daily: U.S. Employee Engagement

Gallup defines engaged employees as those who are involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work and workplace. Through Gallup Daily tracking, Gallup categorizes workers as "engaged" based on their responses to key workplace ...
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