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Showing 51-57 of 57 results.
Mar 3, 2010

John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, and Medicare

Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona McCain faces a tough primary challenge from conservative former talk show host J.D. Hayworth. Inevitably McCain was asked about the views of his opponent on Meet the Press Sunday. Host David Gregory ...
May 4, 2016

Small-Business Owners Say Candidates Fail to Address Issues

The majority of small-business owners do not feel the presidential candidates are discussing issues of importance to them. Owners are paying close attention to the election, and half feel the outcome of the election will have a major impact on ...
Nov 24, 2009

Colombians and Venezuelans at Odds on Leadership

With political tensions escalating between Colombia and Venezuela, Gallup finds that 14% of Colombians approved of Venezuela's leadership in August 2009, while 43% of Venezuelans approved of Colombia's leadership.
Jul 15, 2009

Obama Praised for Effort, Knocked for Spending

Six months into Barack Obama’s presidency, 54% of Americans who approve of the job he is doing cite his assiduousness in tackling the nation’s problems as their rationale. Most detractors (65%) cite policy differences -- primarily spending and ...
Mar 12, 2009

On Economy, Republicans Trust Business; Dems Trust Gov’t.

While 72% of Democrats trust the government to solve the country’s economic problems, 64% of Republicans trust businesses. Overall, Americans don’t show increasing concern about the growth of government power.
Nov 11, 2009

Fighting Poverty: The Business Case

Neglecting the poor is bad for business, says General Russel Honoré of Hurricane Katrina fame. That’s because every kid who grows up believing that his greatest opportunities lie in crime -- or that she doesn’t need an education -- is human ...
May 23, 2001

Why Poor Turn-out Points to a Healthy Democracy

London, UK At the moment, almost every politician has the uneasy feeling that he or she is losing touch with the voters.
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