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Dec 29, 2021

Top U.S. Insights From Gallup in 2021

Review U.S. public opinion from 2021 on President Biden, the coronavirus, and new highs and lows on a number of today's important cultural topics.
Feb 5, 2021

Satisfaction With Five Key Societal Issues in U.S. Plummets

Americans' satisfaction with each of 21 key national policy issues has declined or held steady compared with readings one year ago.
Apr 26, 2013

Post-Boston, Half in U.S. Anticipate More Terrorism Soon

Half of Americans say a terrorist act in the U.S. is likely within weeks, up from 38% in 2011 and one of the higher recent readings. At the same time, trust in the government to protect citizens from terrorism has dipped to 70%.
Mar 23, 2016

Worry About Terror Attacks in U.S. High, but Not Top Concern

Before the terrorist attack in Brussels, Americans' concern about the possibility of terrorist attacks in the U.S. was elevated. But fewer worried about terrorism than about several domestic problems, including healthcare and the economy.
Jun 21, 2022

Nigerians' Confidence in Government Falls to Lowest in Africa

As Nigeria prepares for nationwide elections early next year, Gallup surveys show residents are continuing to lose faith in their national government. Nigerians' confidence in their government was the lowest in Africa last year.
Jul 9, 2014

Nearly All Nigerians See Boko Haram as a Major Threat

Two in three Nigerians (67%) believe that their government is not doing enough to fight terrorism, even as 95% say Boko Haram or other Islamic militant groups are a major threat to their country's future.
Mar 22, 2021

Cyberterrorism Tops List of 11 Potential Threats to U.S.

Americans consider cyberterrorism and the development of nuclear weapons by North Korea and Iran to be the most critical of 11 potential threats to the U.S.
Jan 6, 2021

Most Americans Foresee Biden Improving Environment, Education

Majorities of Americans expect the Biden administration will be able to accomplish 10 of 15 specific common national and foreign policy goals.
Jul 23, 2019

Mentions of Immigration as Top Problem Surpass Record High

Mentions of immigration as the nation's most important problem increased further in July to a new record 27%.
Feb 16, 2017

Top U.S. Foreign Policy Goals: Stem Terrorism, Nuclear Weapons

Preventing future acts of international terrorism (85%) and the spread of nuclear weapons (84%) remain Americans' top foreign policy goals in 2017.