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Sep 21, 2011

Public Opinion Polls and Public Policy

The Atlantic Magazine Senior Editor Derek Thompson begins his Sept. 21 piece on the latest USA Today/Gallup poll on Obama's job plan by saying: "Reading public opinion polls aren't [sic] a good way to make public policy."
Sep 29, 2010

Distrust in U.S. Media Edges Up to Record High

For the fourth straight year, the majority of Americans say they have little or no trust in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly -- now 57%, a record high by one percentage point. Perceptions of media bias persist, ...
Jul 29, 2011

Near Record-Low Confidence in U.S. Public Schools

Americans continue to express near record-low confidence in U.S. public schools. The 34% who express a "great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence is unchanged from last year and in the range seen throughout the past few years of tumult for the ...
Jul 11, 2011

Americans Express Mixed Confidence in Criminal Justice System

Prior to the recent verdict in the Casey Anthony trial, Americans had middling confidence in the nation's criminal justice system. The plurality of Americans, 42% expressed "some" confidence in the system, while about equal numbers had a great ...
Jun 23, 2011

Americans Most Confident in Military, Least in Congress

Gallup's annual update on confidence in institutions finds Americans expressing the most confidence in the military and the least in Congress. This year, there has been a slight uptick in Americans' confidence in television news and newspapers, ...
Apr 9, 2010

Green Behaviors Common in U.S., but Not Increasing

Americans are currently no more likely to take voluntary actions to protect the environment than they were a decade ago. Still, large majorities report recycling, reducing household energy use, using fluorescent light bulbs, buying ...
Jul 12, 2005

Censorship: Do Teens Bow to School Control?

School officials can, to a certain degree, censor what students say, write, or read -- and many teens, according to a recent Gallup Youth Survey, don't necessarily have a huge problem with that.
Aug 11, 2008

Gallup Daily: Obama 47%, McCain 42%

Barack Obama has a 47% to 42% advantage over John McCain among registered voters in the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking three-day rolling average for Aug. 8-10.
Jul 15, 2008

Making Sense of the Campaign Doldrums

“The campaigns may argue that the real purpose of their campaigning at this point is not to change voters’ minds, but to lay the groundwork of ‘brand positioning’ for their candidate so that he is better able to withstand the inevitable battles ...
Nov 15, 2010

Social Offerings, Openness Key to Community Attachment

Social offerings, openness, aesthetics, and education are the most likely elements to affect residents' attachment to a community, according to a three-year study conducted by Gallup for the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.