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Dec 17, 2021

Deconstructing Americans' Views of Socialism, Capitalism

Americans' views of socialism and capitalism are more complex than they might seem at first glance. Discover why.
Dec 6, 2021

Socialism, Capitalism Ratings in U.S. Unchanged

Americans' positive ratings of capitalism (60%) and socialism (38%) are unchanged over the past two years, though their ratings of big business are slightly less positive (slipping six percentage points to 46%).
Mar 6, 2020

Public Opinion Review: Americans' Reactions to the Word 'Socialism'

Americans as a whole tilt more negative than positive when asked about "socialism," although understanding of the term varies widely.
Nov 25, 2019

Socialism as Popular as Capitalism Among Young Adults in U.S.

Young adults' reaction to the term "capitalism" has grown less positive over the past decade, while their view of socialism has remained steady.
Oct 5, 2018

Socialism in the U.S.: Two Competing Perspectives

Gallup recently updated a 1949 question about how Americans define socialism. In this episode, two very different experts offer their opinions on the matter.
Oct 4, 2018

The Meaning of "Socialism" to Americans Today

Asked to define socialism, 24% of Americans mention "equality," while 17% say it is government ownership of the means of production.
May 20, 2019

Four in 10 Americans Embrace Some Form of Socialism

While half of Americans view socialism as a bad thing for the country, 43% say it would be a good thing, a much smaller gap than when last measured in 1942.
Nov 18, 2019

U.S. Support for More Government Inches Up, but Not for Socialism

While Americans continue to evaluate socialism negatively, they have become somewhat more open to an expanded role for government in solving the country's problems.
Jun 19, 2019

Talking Socialism With a CEO Who Endured Harsh Communist Rule

What does Peter Georgescu think needs to be done to fix capitalism in the U.S.?
Aug 10, 2018

Gallup Vault: Americans' Views of Socialism, 1949-1965

Gallup included "socialist" as a standard option for party ID in early polling. Midcentury surveys showed Americans saying U.S. socialism was growing.
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