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Explore Gallup's research.

The latest World Happiness Report delivers some unhappy news to Americans -- and the rest of the world.

Gallup's latest leadership report shows Germany remains the top-rated power in the world, with the U.S. in second place. Russia is still globally unpopular.

Afghan women's satisfaction with the freedom they have to choose what they do with their lives dropped to an unprecedented low of 11% in 2023.

Globally, 58% of adults said they enjoyed cooking in the past week, though nearly twice as many women as men say this, according to a new study by the Ajinomoto Group and Gallup.

Investing in women is a catalyst for global prosperity. But for it to pay off, women need equal opportunities to learn, earn and lead.

Gallup's latest annual update on how the world feels shows its emotional state stopped getting worse in 2022, but it may be too soon for leaders, organizations and businesses to relax.

Gallup's latest report shows that most people worldwide feel secure and have confidence in their local police. Download the latest report to learn more.

Get data and insights on people's negative and positive daily experiences that can help leaders understand how to increase emotional health in society.

Approval of U.S. leadership remained stable during the Biden administration's third year and relatively strong compared to China and Russia.

Ahead of Ecuador's security referendum on Sunday, Gallup data show no other region in the world, apart from active war zones, feels less secure than Guayas.

Across a range of indicators, from the national government to the judiciary, the U.S. performs worse than its counterparts in the G7.

More Americans now say the U.S. is not doing enough to assist Ukraine in its war with Russia, while a majority still favor helping Ukraine reclaim its territory.

With a general election on the horizon, Britons are less satisfied than the rest of Western Europe with how their local communities are functioning.

Results from the first year of the multiyear Global Flourishing study offer insights into why people's lives are going well.

A majority of German workers who saw wrongdoing at work in the past 12 months kept silent. See what managers can do to foster a culture of ethics.

Majorities are dissatisfied with the United States' global position, think the U.S. is viewed unfavorably and believe world leaders do not respect Biden.

In the majority of countries worldwide, women's wellbeing suffers when they aren't working at their desired capacity.

Ahead of elections on Friday, Iranians are sour on their current leadership and their economy -- and many would leave if they could.

Just in time for American Heart Month, the Hologic Global Women's Health Index shows high blood pressure testing is up among women.

Regional spillover from the war between Hamas and Israel may test Iraqis' newfound confidence in their political and national institutions.