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Showing 121-130 of 200 results.
Jan 10, 2006

Jeff Jones

Jun 7, 2006

Military Still Tops in Public Confidence

Despite renewed controversy for the U.S. military stemming from news surrounding a massacre in Haditha, Iraq last year -- information that is stirring up image problems for U.S. forces in the Middle East, building on the Abu Ghraib scandal of a ...
Apr 19, 2007

The State of Environmentalism in the U.S.

Despite a recent critique pronouncing the environmental movement all but dead, and several years of somewhat depressed poll indications of public concern about the environment, there are some small but unmistakable signs of renewal in Americans' ...
Jan 5, 2007

Local TV Is No. 1 Source of News for Americans

According to a recent Gallup Poll, local television news, once behind the national network news in national viewership, is the source of news that Americans most frequently use. Local newspapers rank second in frequency of use, followed by the ...
Nov 4, 2003

Which National Principles Keep America Strong?

If the American people were to vote in a national referendum on how best to keep America strong, it is likely that there would be solid and widespread agreement that "honesty in government" is of paramount importance.
Jun 19, 2003

Military, Police Top Gallup's Annual Confidence in Institutions Poll

There has been little change since last year in Americans' expressed confidence in the major institutions in American society. Americans remain most confident in the military, followed by the police, the presidency, the church or organized ...
Feb 17, 2006

Dick Cheney, Contradictory Attitudes About Cartoons

Oct 26, 2004

Teens' Leisure Habits: TV on Top

When sitting around the house with nothing to do, many American adults instinctively reach for the remote control -- in fact, watching television is one of the most favorite ways adults spend an evening. Results from a recent Gallup Youth Survey ...
Jan 6, 2003

Republicans More Likely Than Democrats to Use Talk Radio for News

Republicans are almost twice as likely as Democrats to use radio talk shows for news on a daily basis, confirming the conventional wisdom that such talk shows have become a targeted medium for developing and distributing a conservative political ...
Oct 27, 2005

Frank Newport