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Jun 19, 2014

Americans' Confidence in News Media Remains Low

Americans have low confidence in three major forms of news media, with TV news receiving the lowest confidence rating, at 18%. Americans' confidence in news from the Internet is at 19%, while 22% express confidence in newspapers.
May 23, 2023

Following Public Individuals for News in 7 Charts

These seven charts summarize how often and why Americans turn to "public individuals" for news and information.
Oct 7, 2021

Americans' Trust in Media Dips to Second Lowest on Record

Americans' trust in the media to report the news fully, accurately and fairly has edged down four points to 36% since last year, making it the second-lowest reading in Gallup's trend.
Jan 5, 2017

Gallup Vault: Americans Hailed Entrepreneurship in Paper Boys

Americans in 1942 were nearly unanimous in saying they would allow a son of theirs, even one as young as 14, to have a paper route.
Jun 17, 2013

Americans' Confidence in Newspapers Continues to Erode

Americans' confidence in newspapers fell slightly to 23% this year, from 25% in 2012 and 28% in 2011. Confidence in television news is also at 23%, but that is up slightly from the all-time low of 21% found last year.
Aug 15, 2019

When It Comes to Local News Mergers, Bias Top Concern

More than nine in 10 Americans are concerned that the acquisition of local news organizations by a large, national company will result in biased coverage.
Jul 14, 2021

In U.S., Black Confidence in Police Recovers From 2020 Low

Black Americans' confidence in the police remains low, but it has mostly recovered from the drop seen last year after the death of George Floyd.
Jul 14, 2021

Americans' Confidence in Major U.S. Institutions Dips

Americans' average confidence in major U.S. institutions has edged down after a modest increase last year.
Sep 1, 2020

Gallup Vault: Trouble in Little Rock

Gallup looks back at Americans' opinions as the Little Rock Nine desegregated an all-White high school six decades ago.
Jul 30, 2021

Vaccine Hesitancy and U.S. Public Opinion

There is no single mechanism for reducing vaccine hesitancy, but surveys suggest what might have the highest probability of increasing vaccine uptake.
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