Environment and Energy
Explore Gallup's research.

Black Americans are more likely to worry about harmful pollution where they live. Racial differences are substantial in suburbs, towns and rural areas.

Biden's job approval rating is 40%, while ratings of his handling of the economy, foreign affairs and the Middle East situation are below his overall approval.

Three-fourths of Black Americans (76%) and 70% of Hispanic Americans say they personally worry "a great deal" about pollution of drinking water, compared with 48% of White Americans who respond this way.

The 55% of Americans who favor using nuclear energy as a source of electricity is up four points since last year to its highest level since 2012.

Americans' support for decreasing the use of fossil fuels to reduce gas emissions is steady at 58%; Democrats are more in favor than Republicans.

Pollution of drinking water and of natural waterways remain the most worrying environmental problems of six measured by Gallup.

Four percent of Americans report that they currently own an electric vehicle, and the public remains largely unconvinced that the use of EVs does a lot to help address climate change.

President Biden remains underwater in his overall job approval rating and his ratings on the economy, foreign affairs, energy and the environment.

After hitting a new low in July, President Joe Biden's job approval rating is up six points to 44%, mostly because of independents' higher approval.

Americans remain evenly divided on nuclear energy, as they were in 2019, but this follows a period from 2004 to 2015 when majorities backed it. Support throughout has varied sharply by party.

Americans widely favor a range of specific policies to address climate change. However, they are more divided when asked whether environmental protection or economic concerns should be given the higher priority.

Sharply more Americans than a year ago worry a great deal about the availability and affordability of energy and describe the U.S. energy situation as very serious.

Americans continue to express the most dire concerns about water pollution, out of six environmental threats.

A slightly diminished 56% majority of Americans, compared with a year ago, think the U.S. government is doing too little to protect the environment, while 15% say it is doing too much and 29% think its actions are about right.

Americans have maintained relatively high concern about global warming over the past six years, along with the belief that it is caused by human activity.

Gallup will be releasing a series of articles throughout April concerning Americans' views on environmental topics.

Increased proportions of Americans worry about the availability and affordability of energy, believe the energy situation in the U.S. is serious, and think there will be a critical energy shortage in the U.S.