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Explore Gallup's research.

Social & Policy Issues

Rural Gen Zers see fewer opportunities in their area for good jobs and college degrees. Perceived job opportunities influence Gen Zers' desire to relocate.

Fifty-one percent of employees are exploring new jobs. Top considerations for making the leap include personal wellbeing, pay, stability and strengths-based work.

January's ECI reading of -19, down slightly from December, reflects an uptick since October that masks improved ratings from Republicans and worsening ratings from Democrats just before Trump began his second term.

Social & Policy Issues

Americans' ratings of the honesty and ethics of 23 professions are unchanged from 2023 but remain low historically.

Americans' economic evaluations worsened in April, the first time that has occurred since October, with Gallup's Economic Confidence Index Score falling to -29.

Discover the correlations among adolescent mental health, parenting practices and parent-child relationships.

Ethics ratings of a diverse list of 23 professions are less positive than they have been in recent years, with eight establishing or tying record lows.

Exploring Americans' perceptions of business and its impact on society

Gallup and Bentley University find that 41% of U.S. adults favor businesses taking a public stance on current events, down from 48% last year.

U.S. workers report working remotely an average of 3.8 days per month, down from 5.8 in 2020 but higher than the 2.4 measured before the pandemic.

Gallup and Bentley University find that most Americans (75%) believe artificial intelligence will lead to fewer job opportunities in the next 10 years.

Discover how career-connected learning is impacting students in grades 5-12.

More American workers now than two years ago are worried that technology could soon make their job obsolete. College-educated workers have nearly caught up with non-college-educated workers in harboring this fear.

A new report by Gallup and Amazon shows that U.S. careers face challenges in achieving proportional representation relative to the workforce by race and gender. Progress has been made, but work remains.

With an abundance of available jobs and career paths, students and their advisers can use the Gallup-Amazon Careers of the Future Index to choose the best possible career.

Exploring the future of technology, skills and work

Learn how a culture of recognition can transform the workplace.

Americans continue to rate nurses as having the highest ethical standards among 18 professions, but with their lowest rating since 2004. Telemarketers and members of Congress remain the lowest-rated fields.

Download the Bentley University-Gallup Force for Good Report.