North Korea
Explore Gallup's research.

Canada and Great Britain are again the countries Americans view most favorably, while Russia has slipped to join North Korea as the least favorably rated of 21 countries.

Americans view Canada, Great Britain, France and Japan the best of 19 countries asked about -- and North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, Russia and Iraq the worst.

Americans rated various forms of terrorism, development of nuclear weapons by unfriendly countries, and China's military power as the top critical threats to U.S. vital interests, just before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

As Hawaii residents recover from a false nuclear attack warning, Gallup revisits Americans' fears of the atomic bomb during the Cold War in 1951.

While North Korea's recent advancements in nuclear technology present new challenges to the U.S. in keeping international peace, Americans have long had North Korea on their radar as a threat.

Despite facing stiffer resistance from North Korea than expected at the start of the Korean War, Americans rejected using the atom bomb in August 1950.