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Daily Kos/Research 2000 Polling Controversy

Daily Kos/Research 2000 Polling Controversy

Quite a bit of visibility is being given to the dispute between the website Daily Kos and the polling firm Research 2000. See here for the latest information on the dispute, including a copy of the lawsuit filed by Daily Kos. And here's a review of some of the various blog postings on the situation over the last 24 hours.

Daily Kos hired Research 2000 to provide polling data over the last several years. Daily Kos now alleges that the research firm Research 2000 fabricated at least some survey results and did not actually conduct interviews. We certainly don't know all of the facts involved in this situation, other than allegations from one party involved and a brief statement of refutation from the other party (Research 2000). I'm sure more will come out in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

In a general sense, however, any public arguments about the veracity of polling data are of concern to polling professionals -- just as allegations of plagiarism are of concern to journalists, and allegations of data fabrication in published research are of concern to scientists.

Allegations or questions about the integrity of a number of different types of scientific data are unfortunately not new. (See David H. Freedman's book Wrong for an interesting review of many situations in which scientific data, much of it in the medical field, has been shown to be false or fabricated.)

The consumer nowadays has a tougher time isolating the quality of news and information. This is a result of the increased availability of news and information, exacerbated by the advent of more polarized writing and programming in which the motivation of the author/presenter is to push a point-of-view rather than to report neutrally or scientifically.

There has certainly been a demonstrable increase in the amount of polling information available to the average consumer. This is good as far as that goes. I'm gratified that people are interested in poll results and that editors and producers find them a valuable part of their news universe. Indeed, the reason that Daily Kos commissioned Research 2000 to conduct polls in the first place was presumably because Daily Kos felt that polling would be of great interest to its readers.

The proliferation of polling means more polling firms are entering the field. That in turn can increase the probability that polling is done poorly or not done at all.

I'm often asked how the world can assess the quality and value of polls and polling data. That's a tough question to anwer -- in part because problems with poll data (and in particular their interpretation) often occur even when actual polling methodology follows usual industry practices.

Still, I would emphasize the ultimate responsibility which rests with the entity commissioning or releasing poll data, just as a newspaper or broadcast outlet has the ultimate responsibility for what it releases or publishes. The current controversy revolves around a client-contractor relationship between Daily Kos and Research 2000. It is unclear what procedures Daily Kos may or may not have used to verify and check the data it received from the survey research firm it employed (Research 2000) before publishing it. (Daily Kos ultimately, it says, fired the research firm). Nevertheless, in general, a news or web outlet has an obligation to check and verify what it puts out. This is often easier said than done, of course. A number of publications have been burned in recent times when outside contractors or freelance writers have not followed standard journalistic procedures.

Once poll data are publicly released, there are more general procedures for monitoring its quality. The American Association for Public Opinion Research, of which I am president this year, has a specific list of "Standards for Disclosure" -- based on the assumption that "Good professional practice imposes the obligation upon all survey and public opinion researchers to disclose certain essential information about how the research was conducted."

There is no requirement that researchers adhere to this code, but AAPOR will police and call to the attention of the world instances in which, when requested, that information is not forthcoming. Importantly, AAPOR has a new "Transparency Initiative," spearheaded by last year's AAPOR president Prof. Peter Miller of Northwestern University, which would allow polling firms to voluntarily commit to releasing methodological and other essential information about its polls. The idea is that releasing this type of information provides interested parties with more of the wherewithal to make judgments about the quality and value of poll data.

Again, terrible though the situation may be when a research firm might be found to have falsified poll information, I think the more prevalent challenges with the public's use of polling information have to do with things such as question wording and misinterpretation of findings -- even when the survey per se is methodologically sound.

The world as we all know has moved into a more information intensive environment. This is true across the board, not just when it comes to polling information. But in this new environment, there can be increased difficulty in isolating excellence, truth, rigorous methods, integrity, and honesty in the information and data that are disseminated by all of the various information outlets that confront us. Polling data are extremely important in a democracy. We find increasing interest in polling on a variety of fronts. With this increased interest comes increased chances of substandard polling data entering the news and information stream -- and an increased need for vigilance by those who use it.


Frank Newport, Ph.D., is a Gallup Senior Scientist. He is the author of Polling Matters: Why Leaders Must Listen to the Wisdom of the People and God Is Alive and Well. Twitter: @Frank_Newport

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