The much-anticipated "State of the States" series has begun on The state-level findings in this series are based on key political, economic, and well-being measures from Gallup Daily tracking throughout 2013.
We kicked off this series on Monday with President Barack Obama's job approval rating by state. Gallup Poll Managing Editor Jeffrey M. Jones reported that Obama's approval rating did not improve by a statistically significant amount in any state in 2013 compared with 2012, and it fell from majority approval to below 50% in three states.
That's just the beginning of many more state-level stories to be published on in the next several weeks. Here is the tentative schedule:
Monday, Jan. 27: Obama job approval by state
Wednesday, Jan. 29: Political party identification by state
Friday, Jan. 31: Ideology by state
Monday, Feb. 3: Religiosity by state
Wednesday, Feb. 5: Religious identification by state
Monday, Feb. 10: Economic Confidence Index by state
Wednesday, Feb. 12: Job Creation Index by state
Friday, Feb. 14: Payroll to Population and underemployment rates by state
State stories on key well-being metrics such as obesity and health insurance status will follow in the months to come.
The best way to get all state-level stories as soon as they publish is to sign up for Gallup News alerts and select "All Gallup Headlines." We look forward to having you join us on for "State of the States."
"State of the States" Arrives on

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