Job Creation
Explore Gallup's research.

More American workers now than two years ago are worried that technology could soon make their job obsolete. College-educated workers have nearly caught up with non-college-educated workers in harboring this fear.

Discover a valuable tool for business owners, policymakers and investors to reliably assess companies' potential for growth.
Download the Disruption issue of The Real Future of Work online publication.
CHROs and CEOs must think about the right way to develop managers to create a culture of development for their employees. It's the Manager provides leaders with training, strengths-based development and the tools needed to train better managers.
Learn how to handle the workforce issues of tomorrow like managing matrixed teams, remote workers, flex time, cultural diversity, millennials, Gen Z, AI and how technology will affect the workplace.
It's the Manager equips your managers with 52 of Gallup's greatest discoveries from decades of research into the science of management.

73% of Americans say artificial intelligence will eliminate more jobs than it creates.
Born to Build lets you discover your builder talents and teaches you how to build a thriving startup, a winning team, new customers and a great life.